My heart ached today for the little children with Type 1. I had my endocrinology appointment today and while I was waiting to see the doctor, I saw around 5 children under the age of 8 walk into that office. Now, I know that some of them might have been there with their parents. But seeing as many of them were school aged and today was a school day, I seriously doubt they were there with their parents. I couldn't possibly imagine what my life would be like had I been diagnosed when I was that age. My heart went out to them. To think that they are going through exactly what I am going through, but without the kind of control that I have. I have the ability to give myself my own shots and I determine how much insulin to give myself. Some of those kids aren't that lucky. I haven't felt that kind of sadness since I was diagnosed. But this time it wasn't for myself. Those kids are fighting for their lives everyday.
I don't care what anyone says. Diabetes is just as serious as cancer. Yes we get to live longer, but we are constantly fighting for our lives. Not to the extent as cancer patients do, but we have to do it for longer. And just like cancer, we can have turns for the worse and not understand why or how it happened. For example, I was sick about a month ago and I was on my period and I could not get my blood sugars below 150 for 2 weeks. The higher my blood sugars are and the longer they are high, the more damage it causes to my body.
I'm sorry if I seem heartless towards cancer patients. I'm really not, but I feel like diabetes gets a back seat to all other diseases. It sometimes feels like I get looked at and people think, "well couldn't you have prevented it?" or "did you eat a poor diet as a kid?" I mean seriously! Seriously! You're going to blame me for a deadly disease! You're going to blame those poor kids for their deadly disease? Or their parents? I mean come on! Diabetes is deadly! By 2030, Diabetes will be the world's number one cause of death.
Well now that I have ranted on and on, I do have some pretty exciting news! I went in today prepared to fight for a pump. I gave her all of my reasons as to why I needed/wanted a pump. And just like that, she said "sure! Why not?" YES!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Hallelujah Yes! I've been reading the pamphlets she gave me and have narrowed it down to two choices. I just have to see which one will be covered most by the insurance. Each has it's pros and cons, so it's probably going to come down to which one the insurance company is going to pay for the most. I'm jumping out of my skin, I'm so happy. Unfortunately, it won't be as soon as I would like. I have my next appointment set up for after we get back from CA in 3 weeks. I'm hoping to have it be the end of March! EXCITED!!!!