So November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and I couldn't think of a better month for lots of reasons... primarily it's also my Birthday month! Happy diabetes and birthday month to me! I'm not going to write a blog every day with some interesting factoid mainly because that would be a LOT of writing and I just do NOT have the time for that, but also because I'm sure that I would continue to loose viewership on my blog. If I wouldn't want to read about that every day and have that filling up my news feed, I doubt a lot of other people would too... But anyway...
First and foremost, November 14th is World Diabetes Day and they are having a "Go Blue" campaign this year. All around the world countries will be lighting up different monuments with a blue light, such as the Sydney opera house, the Empire State Building and other famous landmarks and buildings. Some will even light a blue candle at work or put a blue light bulb in their house lights outside as a sign. I probably won't do this mainly because I can't light candles at work and well I rent a basement and don't have a home that is a) visible to the general populace and b) my landlord probably wouldn't like that all that much.At any rate, I will be wearing blue for sure on November 14th with a sign on cubicle at work. I might even make a button to wear or something.
Now, I know that Type 2 will get the most attention because let's face it, 90-95% of all diabetics are Type 2. But please remember that Type 1 is equally, if not arguably, more important. Type 1 affects only 5-10% of diabetics, but it is still an issue that needs research done for a cure. Type 1 diabetics did not have the choice. Their bodies decided to attack their pancreas. We are just not insulin resistant. It's not that we can't use the insulin we produce, but we don't produce any. Also 80% of all Type 1 diabetics do no have a family history of Type 1 in their family. I fall into that 80%. This was a huge surprise to me.
Interesting factoid that my endocrinologist explained to me. As many of you know, I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Autumn. It wasn't the gestational diabetes that caused my Type 1 diabetes, but rather my Type 1 diabetes that caused my gestational diabetes. It took a few more years for my diabetes to fully onset, but it would. So regardless of me getting pregnant or not, I would have eventually become a Type 1 diabetic. That was how it was always going to be and there was nothing I could have done to stop it.
Now I know that it seems like I rip on Type 2 diabetics a lot, but they need help too. The general populace needs to know how to care for their bodies. Diabetes needs to be more of a concern for people. Please know that if you take care of your body by eating a healthy, well balanced meal and work out that your risk for Type 2 diabetes decreases significantly! There is always a case where genetics plays a part and I know that can't really be helped, but you can help control your diabetes as well by simply eating healthy and exercising. Please remember that diabetes is a very serious disease and that we need to help educate people to make healthy decisions and make people aware of the seriousness of the disease. If you have any questions regarding the effects of diabetes on your body, or diets for diabetics, let me know! I'm more than happy to answer questions where I can.
Remember! Go Blue!
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