Wednesday, September 26, 2012

4 years and counting

So this blog post goes out to my dear, sweet husband, Rob! Today was the day 4 years ago that he danced into my life and I have to say, I can't believe that I got so lucky. So why do I remember the day that we met? Well basically it's the day that we have both agreed upon that we started dating each other. After we met, we saw each other every day for the rest of the semester except for when he went to SLC for his grandma's funeral. While we weren't technically exclusive until after we had the DTR talk (define the relationship), we were definitely not seeing anybody else between the time we met to that talk.

I'm so grateful for the fateful night that brought him into my life. I still can't believe how forward I was when I met him. I mean seriously! What girl in their right mind would say, "Hey Sam, do you mind if I cut in? I think that he's pretty cute and would like to dance with him!" I still shudder sometimes at how ridiculous I was! I was just saying things and doing things left and right that I wouldn't have done in a MILLION years in front of a cute guy, and yet there I was just acting like a twitterpated 17 year old again! *plants face in palms* But hey! I got the guy! My saving grace? Letting him know that I was a huge fan of Stargate and that I knew about the Sci Fi channel and Sci Fi shows! I mean really... he thought he was marrying a nerd, but what he got instead was a horribly emotional girl with a lot of problems! Poor sucker!

But he has been my saving grace! He has been there for me for the good, the bad, and the Uuugly! Seriously! He put up with me when my hormones were CRAZY imbalanced and I was always annoyed at every little thing that he did. (btw-that isn't the case anymore. I noticed what was going on and I loved him that much that I knew I needed to remedy that quickly) He put up with me when I broke down and cried for hours after my diagnosis. He put up with my uuuugly crying when I thought for more than 3 days that we would possibly never have children again. He puts up with my crazy baby obsession and gently reminds me that we can't do it because my health is more important. He lets me be the independent woman that I am but is always there when I need a hug or I just need to cry. This man was a gift from God and I'm so incredibly blessed to have him in my life.

I'm grateful to this wonderful man who has supported and cared for me these last 4 years, but especially during the last 2 months. Going from a possible infertility issue to Type 1 diabetes, this man has only cared about me and how this will affect us going forward. He has made sure that I do everything that I need and he hasn't watched me stick myself with a disgusted look on his face, but rather watching to understand what I am going through. Rob has been a huge blessing in my life! I'm grateful to him and for the way that he enriches my life.

Here's to many, many more years to come. Rob I love you!

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