Friday, October 12, 2012

I have a question...

So one of Autumn's favorite sayings lately has been "I have a question." To which we respond with, "ok, what is it?" but then she doesn't actually ask anything. I think it's super cute. Of course, most of what Autumn does, I think is pretty cute...

But why am I talking about this?? Well it's quite elementary my dear. I want you to ask me questions about diabetes, about dieting, about weight loss... anything! Now, I'm not going to say that I know all of the answers and will be able to give you the best answers to my knowledge and/or I will research the answers as best as I can.

The reason for this? As I began to think about the general populace's knowledge about diabetes, I thought that a video of Q&A would be helpful. Rob has a YouTube channel and he wants to do more educational kind of videos. So I want to educate you. Just remember, I am still learning about this quite a bit too. I still have questions. But I want you to. You can facebook me or email me or leave a question. For security reasons I'm not going to be giving out my email address, but most of those that read my blog have my facebook. And if not, you are reading my blog and can quite easily leave me a comment below!

Now bring on the questions! I'm excited to help you understand better and help me understand better too!

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