Oh such exciting news! I went to my first endocrinologist appointment yesterday. It was such an uplifting experience and such a relief listening to a doctor who specializes in the endocrine system. The weight of this disease just continues to be lifted off of my shoulders. My experience just keeps getting better and better. I thought that this was seriously going to ruin my life and make things much more difficult to enjoy family functions or any gathering for that matter. I'm such a foodie. I love to bake and cook and eat scrumptious food!
I mean seriously! I am SUCH a foodie! General Conference was such a different experience this time around. We ate typical meals with no snacking in between. Usually, I prepare cookies, rice krispie treats, or other goodies, and we have such a big breakfast with stuffed french toast and homemade strawberry syrup. Oh the yumminess! I missed it this year!!! :( Such a sad day! Really. BUT!!!!
I have finally figured things out. Being overweight cause the diabetes to take control of you. If I can keep my weight under control through diet and exercise, then I'm not going to punish myself for having a big sugary something every once in a while. As long as I balance my diet properly with the carbs, protein, veggies, and fruits, I will be able to maintain my weight. The reason why I can't do it ALL of the time is because insulin is a growth hormone. Being on man-made insulin is a lot worse for maintaining weight. Because I can't make it on my own, it means the more insulin I take, the more weight I gain. So if I was having an extra 60 sugary carbs every day then I would gain weight so much quicker than those that don't take insulin. That's really the reason why I can't just have whatever I want whenever I want. BUT I'm ok with that. This mentality has helped me get through it. I'll have 15 carbs of a sugar-free dessert more often than not. You know pudding or something. I just make sure that I go running or a really fast walk to help burn off those calories and fat.
ANYWAY! Not really part of the point that I'm a 6.4! So I had my A1C taken again yesterday and my number dropped from an 8.1 to a 6.4... to put it in perspective 7 is normal average blood sugar number. So that means that 6.4 means that my average blood sugars have been around 137! That's awesome! This also means that I can get pregnant now, so long as I keep my numbers under control.... BUT!!! That won't happen for a long while. My pregnancy needs to be a focus. I can't have Rob's schooling outshining my pregnancy. I need to be a focus; my health needs to be a focus. It's important that we focus on keeping my blood sugars under control for the baby and for me.
Did you know that my risk of every complication that could happen (still birth, miscarriage, etc.) is 2-4 times greater than those that don't have diabetes. That's really scary! I don't know if I could handle that. I guess time will only tell.... But it is important to note that as long as I can keep my numbers under control, everything can be as normal as that of a non-diabetic. The problem only being that my numbers are going to be VERY hard to control. I can do the exact same thing over and over but then one day/week/month, I won't be able to control it no matter how much insulin I take. It's going to happen and that's why it needs to be a priority. My health and the baby's health is much more important than Rob's schooling. But since Rob's schooling cannot and should not be delayed, baby will be delayed.
Anyway, that is it for tonight. I'm loving life, I'm loving my decisions, I'm loving my diabetes, I'm loving that I'm getting better. That is all!
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